Bring Your Mobility Back To Life

Awakening Postpartum Bodies One Stretch at a Time

Showing Ashlea outside with daughter for the About Ashlea section.

Hey! I’m Ashlea.

I am so happy you are here!

I have always been interested in how the body works and wanting to help people feel better is a life mission of mine, therefore after graduating from college, I continued on to a specific field, physical therapy.  I know being in pain and needing help with balance, coordination, tightness, and strength is a lot for someone to handle.  Being there for my patients when they needed help was such a rewarding process for me. 

While being pregnant with both of my children and then after delivery, I realized just how much my body went through. Having so much tightness in my low back that started during pregnancy, and upper body tightness from pregnancy and nursing, I knew I needed to do something about it. Especially, having mild scoliosis in my thoracic (upper spine) region is always something I need to be mindful of.

That’s when I created Stretch With Ashlea to focus on gaining back mobility and being able to feel better throughout the day. 

And I bet I know a few things about you. You:

Want to sleep better.

Want better posture.

Wish you could feel like yourself again.

But on the other hand…

You are so tired and feel burnt out.

You don’t know where or how to start.

You have that mom guilt.

You need support. You need a beginning. You need a guide.

You need someone who can help you rediscover your mobility

Core Values

Fun & Random Facts About Me


Born & raised in FL by the beach. Moved around and ended up living back by the beach in NC. I love the beach!


I love honey with hot tea. YUM, such a great balance.


I am directionally challenged when it comes to driving!


I love chocolate and pizza but not together. I’m not a big fan of rye bread or sauerkraut.


Craziest endurance experience? Doing the outdoor obstacle courses for Warrior Dash and Rugged Maniac!


I enjoy watching reality TV.


I love doing DIY projects. It seems when I finish one, I add two more!


I have a green thumb and look for those rare trees and flowers to plant. 


One of my screen prints was selected to be viewed in China at one of their Art Centers.